27 Dec

wow, I have not done any webpage anything for a long time…

actually, that is erroneous. I made a webpage just the other day. link. It’s for a radio show I have recently started doing.

So I am doing a radio show, and I am applying to colleges (Wes, Swat, Midd and Lewis & Clark. (I dunno what the nickname for Lewis & Clark is)), and studying Spanish, although it is my fourth language, for SAT IIs. They don’t have language subject tests for Russian or Finnish! no Finnish I can understand, but they have Hebrew, so why not Russian?

Two days ago was Christmas, most people know that I think. I got a snowboard!
But, despite that fact that I am in Alaska, there’s no snow! Those rotten states in the lower 48 have gotten all of the snow that is supposed to be ours… No snow in beautiful Finland either, I hear. Places like Germany, Belgium, Chicago, New York, etc have the snow. Obviously there’s been a mistake somewhere.

I am also working on a correspondence version of the second semester of US History, not having room in my schedule to do it any other way.

And I am enjoying life, mostly 🙂