25 Dec

got a digital camera from my dad for xmas! yay! now I can take artsy pictures!

I mean, literally, I am very much on the watch for artsy pictures. I know they’re out there, and I will find them!! I will!

do you know how hard it is for me to keep to all lower case? I inadvertantly capitalize things anyway. like I. but I guess that’ll can go. I’ll stay a proper capitilized being, while reducing everything and everyone else to lower case.

so the other day I was flying on this plane and I was sitting next to this cute guy. well we got to talking and he was a frosh at oberlin, and we played hangman with words we remembered from the sats. made the four and a half hours pass quicker.
he said he’d look me up if he was ever at wes. weird, though, to meet people traveling. like, I fairly often talk with people on planes, but I think this was the first time I told them my name. we were playing random travel games, because four and a half hours is a long time to read when you’ve been reading all semester, and neither of us had the computer battery to play solitaire or snood for the whole flight… so we were playing the dot game, I know you’ve played it. connect the dots, make a box, put your initial in it, whoever has the most boxes wins. so we were going to play that and he must have suddenly thought of the initial thing, and he asked me, “what’s your name?” we’d been playing hangman and talking together for maybe an hour already, and names just never entered into it. so exchanged first names.
traveling has such strange social conventions.

13 Dec

oh, btw, as per that first entry (scroll down. lower. lower. yes! right there! ooh yeah!) about applying to colleges, I’m a sophomore at wes now. it rocks. I’m majoring in russian and eastern european studies (aka rees). and I row crew. and I don’t (obviously) do the whole web bum thing so much anymore. but I think about it from time to time. my original webpage, also entitled wordsoul is still existing, but in a not worked on except that I messed with (ie fucked up) the main page graphics sometime last year. maybe someday I’ll return to a state where I have as much free time as I did in the beginng of hs, and then I’ll mess with webpaging again. or not. whatever.

13 Dec

double birthday party for Anna and I last night. When we were cleaning this morning (after I got up and finished my paper that was due at noon — 1 down, 2 to go) we discovered that someone jacked our tequila. Our tequila! Personally, I’m more fond of Pierre than Jose, but Anna is going to miss it.
going to write 5-10 pages on Anna Karenina… the thing is though, I want to write on a topic that isn’t from the topic list, that I talked to the prof about (meaning of different characters wearing lilac. yes, really) but not in the context of ‘so, is it okay if I write my final paper on this?’ but she’s my advisor, and I have a two student class with her (who the hell takes Russian literature seminars without translation?) and she’s pretty laid back about it. So I’m going to write about the non-approved topic anyway and figure it’ll end up fine. yep.

still liking the new adventures of bobbins which I keep wanting to just call “bobbins,” but that’s the comic that was the precursor of scary go round. also glad I’m not hung over.