18 May

Beijing Night Market

One of the things you can see at the night market in the Wudaoko area near where we live (also the site of many universities) is a thriving night market which appears after dark and gradually spreads out over the sidewalks. There are striking women of a particular ethnic group I haven’t identified selling silver jewelry and big bracelets, and horns of some creature carved into small containers. There are carts with bootleg books. There is row upon row of sandals and flip flops. There are piles of t-shirts with English or almost English slogans printed on them. The best one I’ve seen said, in letters six inches high, ‘I AM SO WORTH IT.’ I thought of exactly who I should have bought it for the next day. Maybe I’ll see it again sometime.

And then, of course, there are also the pet sellers. The boxes of puppies, the fishbowls, the tubs full of turtles. Cages of kittens, cages of hamsters. Fuzzy little baby bunnies. The occasional bird. All waiting for you to take home! And you can test-pet them! So soft! So furry! So gol-durn cute!

This evening Alex called me to say he loved this country more than rain (which he claims to love more than his mother, as a true Seattleite) because he had just seen the following: A feisty little kitten who got into it with a bunny, which turned out to be more feisty than the kitten, causing the kitten to back down — however! (as you can see in the photo) it didn’t have much space to back down in, so as it backed up it fell into the fishbowl.

Oh the indignity!

The kitten was apparently fished out (of the fishbowl), given a severe talking to, and wrung out.

Man, if he had been filming rather than taking still photos, he would have had a youtube hit for sure!