18 Mar

Notes from Slavic Quick Cataloging, Pt. 9

Notes from Slavic Quick Cataloging, Pt. 9

Lots of Ukrainian books today, and an update from the media librarians.

Ukrainian publisher. “A-ba-ba-ha-la-ma-ha-Poeziia” No really, that’s the name of the publishing house. They have a website. You can preview some of their books, with some very rich illustrations. Looks like they mostly publish children’s literature, though the book I’m holding is poetry. Oh, apparently the poet also has authored at least one kid’s book.


Most Ukrainian authors seem to be named Oleksa. If not that, then Ivan, or Oleksandra.


The cataloging librarian who disapproves of online social networking: “Even if I was twenty, I don’t think I’d need to tell the world, ‘I’m tired, I think I’ll go to sleep now.’ Who needs to know?”
Cataloging librarian whose daughter’s MySpace page is under discussion: “I think it is for her small circle of friends — they like to keep tabs on each other.”