23 Jun

Okay, so this is not exactly a new conversation, but it’s fairly recent, and it was fairly entertaing. To fully grasp the entertainment value of the following conversation, you must realize that Emily is really a male Brit, who advocates heavy drinking and programming. However, I had to explain to him what a loogie was the other day. Unfortunately, I didn’t think to save that conversation. I really wish I had.

Liss: someday I will be rich. And I will buy three or four different computers, for different things. I will have a graphics computer, a text computer an internet computer and another one for guests or something. Then maybe none of them will be slow
Emily: *grin*
Emily: Use linux for all of ’em 😉
Liss: Yes, I’d like to do that. That means, of course, that I would have to find somewhere to learn linux. But I can probably do that during college
Emily: *grin liss* *nod* someone’ll know
Liss: I’ll have to go hang out in the CS department and bat my eyelashes at computer programming hunks
Emily: *grin*
Liss: and when I get one for my own personal love slave, he can build me a nice linux box, and teach me how to use it. Then I might keep around, if he matches my furniture
Emily: *grin*
Emily: tut tut, young girls today..you sound just like my sis 😉
Liss: If he doesn’t match the furniture, I’ll have to look for a lawyer. They make a lot of money.
Emily: Yep. Or a programmer 🙂
Liss: The programmer is the first choice, so I’ll have someone to fix my computers if they break. But then I’d probably go for a lawyer. >>
Emily: Aha. Go for both, run a harem 🙂
Liss: Hey, I could do that. I could have husbands in several different countries. I’ve always wanted to travel.
Emily: Have a bunch of them in the same country. Stick them in a harem. Make like Sultan Foo the Great

Later things turned into a much less entertainging but more educational discussion of middle eastern folklore. But I’m still thinking about that harem. I’ll just have to find the right guys to be in it.