14 Dec

ouch, you know, this looks terribly crappy on this computer…
sorry, people with computers like this one… I did the design on a computer with a high resolution screen, and it looks really cool — on that computer I got my exam back form my history teacher.. he didn’t put a number on it, which is probably a good thing 🙂 Then he told me about the notes he had written on the paper, and was explaining about the balance of power, and how the king such and such and good thing I am used to not-so-great-English and realised he mean justice when he was saying justick and laws when he was saying love… I need to remember to contact Henna, because she’s supposed to have ordered the hair dye so I can have red and purple hair, but I don’t know if she has.
I think they need more punks here, with brightly colored hair and funky clothes. There are way too many goths here. Not that I have anything against goths, but I mean, it’s already cold and dark and it doesn’t make it any nicer when 40% of the population is dressed in black too. I understood TWICE in my history class when the teacher asked some questions. AND I knew the answers!!!
First she asked what coutries were at the Vienna Conference — England, Austria, Russia-Prussia, and France
And then she asked why did Europe want to have a route to Intia — Spices
Maybe there is hope after all 🙂 and guess what?
I have to go to history now. Well, I don’t have too, but I will, because I should This morning I opened the fridge to put my dirty dishes away. I should have opened the dishwasher, you know? But I opened the fridge. And on Sunday I twice opened the dishwasher when I meant to open the fridge and put away food. I see skies of blue
red roses too
I see them bloom
for me and you
I hope I hope I hope it will be sunny today… I saw stars this morning when I went to sauna to take a shower, really I did! But then I saw clouds when I was on the bus. It was so pretty… when I saw the stars I mean, when there were the clouds it wasn’t so breathtakingly beautiful.