13 Dec

double birthday party for Anna and I last night. When we were cleaning this morning (after I got up and finished my paper that was due at noon — 1 down, 2 to go) we discovered that someone jacked our tequila. Our tequila! Personally, I’m more fond of Pierre than Jose, but Anna is going to miss it.
going to write 5-10 pages on Anna Karenina… the thing is though, I want to write on a topic that isn’t from the topic list, that I talked to the prof about (meaning of different characters wearing lilac. yes, really) but not in the context of ‘so, is it okay if I write my final paper on this?’ but she’s my advisor, and I have a two student class with her (who the hell takes Russian literature seminars without translation?) and she’s pretty laid back about it. So I’m going to write about the non-approved topic anyway and figure it’ll end up fine. yep.

still liking the new adventures of bobbins which I keep wanting to just call “bobbins,” but that’s the comic that was the precursor of scary go round. also glad I’m not hung over.