04 Feb

alright, just switched stuff over to the archives, and realized that there are entries archived from when I was in Finland, which is cool, because I had thought for some reason that the old ones where all disappeared, due to that whole neglect thing. So if you look at them, first you can see that there aren’t very many. I think there were some more, for instance I remember fairly clearly writing about borrowing a dress from Heidi for Lukion yƶ, and how it was so cold and the air was so dry that when I was walking it just kept riding up because of the static electricity. And Salla was a wood elf or something like. Don’t know where that went. Oh well.

Also it becomes obvious that I’ve messed with the format and stuff. Probably I will again in another few years, but here and now I’m going to leave it alone, ’cause look how I messed up my old page trying to update the graphics. Yeah. I know how to fix that, but I just don’t care enough to do it. Sad, I know.

Right now, the long term plan is that I will remember this blog’s existence (though it was created before blogging was all the craze, of course, I am not a trendy bopper) and make use of it while in Russia next fall semester and thus easily disseminate information of whatever adventures I may have to the world at large.
