15 May

Snapshot of my life. I woke up at 6.30 (rowing has changed my biorhythms, perhaps permanently) to do a little more studying for my international politics class. For once, my room is clean. This is 95% because my roommate Anna left yesterday, so her half is empty and her mother vacuumed.

It’s really empty, on her side.

And I am really rather nervous about this exam. I spent much more of yesterday finishing a paper on Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita than studying ipol.

All the articles I’ve read for this class this semester, and my notes, are spread across the floor in an arc around where I was sitting. It was sunny at 6.30, but now at 8.40 it’s rather on the cloudy side. Damnit. So nervous. Funny, ’cause I wasn’t nervous about Russian, I’m not worried about my paper, and I couldn’t care less about econ.

Also, I don’t know how I will possibly be able to pack. Did you know I’m departing from Bradley Airport at 6 something in the morning on Friday?