02 May

Today I got home about a quarter to eight since traffic was slowed down due to the immigration protests. In support of that cause, I’m watching Desperado this evening. So far it seems to be a lot of gratuitous violence. Why does Antonio Banderas shoot everyone everyone a dozen times when once would surely do? It doesn’t speak a lot for his shooting accuracy.
On the way home, the bus was super crowded and the bus driver didn’t make anyone pay. There were three UW students near me who were talking. Two from Alaska, one from somewhere hot. The Alaskans were explaining about summer in Alaska, and how as a small Alaskan child, when you first leave the state in summer, how strange it is to find it both warm and dark. ‘But it’s never warm at night?’ asked the third girl.
‘No,’ said the Alaskan girl. ‘It never gets dark.’
I almost started laughing, because I understand this so well. I remember how amazing summer seemed when I went to summer camp in Pennsylvania. That and fireflies.
The other thing I always find odd about living Outside is that people pay for salmon. That’s not how I was raised.