22 Dec

Moominland Midwinter

moominland midwinter

I was in a toy store a few weeks ago, looking for presents for small children of my acquaintance  when I fell into the vortex of the book section. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I came home with a copy of Moominland Midwinter by Tove Jansson. I probably own this book already, at my parents’ house, but it was in the clearance section, and a Tove Jansson book always needs a good home. Plus, I’d been thinking about the Moomins lately as an example of northern literature. Read More

14 Oct

Haiku Every Day

On a whim, I’m starting a new project. I’m going to write a haiku every day, just like I try to take a multivitamin every day.

It’s a way to be creative, but also contained. I always want to write longer things, and say more, and be pithier, but I’m going to practice being concise. I’m also leaving the door open for possibly illustrating them in various ways, but no promises.

Oh, and I’m going to write some in Russian, just to stretch those brain fibers as well.