13 Jun

Cats of Italy

So, once we really got into the meat of the tour and started biking every day, I ran out of extra energy to make blog posts. And we had issues with our electronics. But of course we had more adventures, and I did manage to keep a paper diary, so there will be some retroactive adventure sharing coming soon.

In the mean time, here I am with a selection of Italian cats.

I have the habit of addressing pretty much any cat I see, and we saw plenty of cats. Some of them ran away, some of them were extremely busy napping, some had been told by their mothers not to talk to American tourists, but some were interested in international friendship missions. As we like to say, they were willing to subscribe to our newsletter.

Enthusiastic subscriber in Monciano, Tuscany

Possible subscriber in Pitigliano, Tuscany

Purring and Drooling subscriber in Manorolo, Cinque Terre

Napping too hard to move or subscribe in Corniglia, Cinque Terre