20 Dec

oh, this was rather amusing I remebered some of those rhymes I used to sing in grade school.
I was dreamin of a genie
with a ten foot weenie
and I showed it to the girl next door.
She thought it was a snake
and she hit it with a rake
so now it’s only five foot four…

I try not to let myself forget these things, and think that little kids are innocent. I mean, they mostly are, but you can’t assume that they don’t know about stuff, ’cause I think they usually do….
can’t say I slept much last night, you know, what with watching 4 movies (one twice) (and that guy in Studio 54 — very jummy!) and dying my hair at whatever godforsaken hour it was…
2.5 hours I think, and I didn’t drink anything but I really am having trouble remembering what happened last night, and why did I wake up next to the german girl?
no, actually, I remember going to sleep next to her too… at 4:30 this morning I dyed my hair ‘blush blond.’ well, actually, Meredith did, but I was definitely involved, and my hair is definitely blish blond now.
never dyed my hair at 4.30 am before.
Meredith’s parents went to Russia today, so not far into the dyeing process her host mom came in to take a shower