21 Dec

I think Arthur Rimbaud is really cool

Mom, if you’re reading this, you could get me a complete works of Rimbaud for Christmas next year, or for a coming home present 🙂
In English tho… he was French and wrote in French and such, but I haven’t learned French yet. Actually, better yet, a complete works of Rimbaud in French and English would be really cool…

Know what he wrote? He wrote this:

J’ai tendu des cordes de clocher à clocher;
des guirlandes de fenêtre à fenêtre;
des chaînes d’or d’étoile à étoile
et je danse.

(sorry this computer turns the french letters into cyrillic letters)

I have strung cords from steeple to steeple;
garlands from window to window;
chains of gorl from star to star
and I dance.

isn’t that beautiful?

I think it is

Rimbaud bio
Rimbaud’s Poems
Arthur Rimbaud
Rimbaud in French
the Drunken Boat