12 Jan

so I’m quietly sitting on my bed, catching up on a semester’s worth of email from my friend David, who was abroad in Ghana (and having a pretty cool time, as I now find out) and I notice a little noise. Maybe a little like breathing. So I lean over, and put my ear over my cats’ faces, but it’s not them breathing or snoring. So what else is on my bed making noise? What else but my laptop… so I pull out the power cord, and the noise stops. I plug it in again, and it resumes. And I reinterpret that maybe the noise sounds a bit like sucking, as my battery recharges and my laptop feeds off the power it draws through that plug. Maybe I sometimes refer to my computer as my baby, but for it to be making noises which to me seem like it is nursing, well, it’s a little strange… Why does it make this little noise while recharging?