21 Jan

Going back to school today. Alaska Airlines let me check in online and print my own boaring pass. I was thinking, wow, this is pretty nifty, then I realized that it probably saves them a fair amount of money, if people print their own boarding passes. Less ink and money for the airline to pay for. Still, it was amusing to be asked to check the yes or no box to the questions about carrying dangerous anythings or having let anyone else pack my luggage. Haven’t actually packed my luggage yet, but I will be the one doing the packing….

For most of break, the only thing I’ve really done is go to the gym, and go skiing. Bought new-to-me Silva skis with a wood core and fiberglass on the outside, and hot waxed them myself. That was slightly messy, but turned out well. Only went skiing four times, though, it was pretty cold. And before this, the last time I went skiing was in 8th gade. And before that, 6th grade. But we used to go skiing (and I’m talked cross-country, classic) all the time when I was little. I’m just starting to feel like I’m getting back into it, and feeling how to move with the skis a lot better, and keeping up with my dad, but now I’m going back to Connecticut. Oh well, next winter break I’ll ski lots more!

All this exercise, though, and I’m starting to feel pretty buff. The other night I dreamt I went to Value Village, and there was a cart in the parking lot, so I pulled it in behind me. Then, in the store, some guy tried to take it from me. “hey, this is my cart,” I said. “No, it’s mine,” says the guy. Then another guy came up, felt my bicep and then the other guy’s, and said “Dude, you better let her have it!” That’s my anecdote of the week. 🙂

Listening to Smoke City. Sweet, smooth, perhaps a bit smoky, bossa nova out of the UK with the voice of Brasilian born Nina Miranda, and owing perhaps not a little to experimental trip hop music, of the Moloko type.