13 Aug

Pinspiration & perspiration – the overlap between novel writing and triathlon training

Like, Lord of the Rings epic.

A few months ago, I joined Pinterest to see what the fuss was about. After unsubscribing from the generica I got for checking too many boxes for my supposed “interests” (i.e. arts, travel, food) I looked for pinboards on my more specific actual interests: snarky pro-women politics, martial arts, pulp novel covers, and so on. At the same time, I registered for my first triathlon, and continued working on my first novel. I started looking at what people post on their boards under ‘triathlon’ and ‘writing inspiration.’

Funny thing — they’re not that different. If you want to write a book, you gotta start writing a little every day, believe that you’ll make progress, and keep going. If you want to get fit and compete athletically, you gotta start working out a little every day, believe that you’ll make progress, and keep going.

So here’s a little quiz! Which of these inspirational quotes was pinned for writing, and which for fitness? The first one is a freebie, since the fitness inspiration ones have a frightening tendency to feature ladies in their sports bras looking prettier than you, but I think some of the others are not so easy. Answer key at the end!








Answer key
#1 Fitness
#2 Fitness
#3 Writing
#4 Fitness & Writing (I’ve seen several versions of this pinned both ways)
#5 Writing
#6 Fitness
#7 Writing

Are you inspired? Another day I’ll post some of the obvious ones which can be switched by changing “writing” to “running” or vice versa. Right now, though, I need to go get epic.

22 Jul


I just took this exchange out of my novel in progress. It makes me snicker, but it doesn’t have a place in moving the plot along.

“Miko, who sedated you yesterday.”
“An unorthodox management technique,” Glas said. “Please don’t try it.”
“I certainly won’t.”

You have to be willing to kill your babies, they say, but I can’t let it go entirely unacknowledged, hence posting it here.